Past Events

2024 Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival

2024 CCCENJ Lanterns!

CCCENJ Posters for 2024

2024 Passport to Taiwan in New York!

2024 Menlo Park Mall Lunar New Year Celebration!

A New Year, A New Me.

The performance and celebration at Menlo Park highlighted participants’ greatest accomplishments and commitment, CCCENJ is given the great opportunity for all to view the Lunar New Year as a new year, a new them.

2024 CCCENJ Lunar New Year Celebration!

2023 CCCENJ Mid-Autumn Festival!

2023 Dragon Boat Tamales Sale!

2023 CCCENJ Musical Tryouts!

2023-2024 Officers Election!

Kung Fu Performance & Practice(July 9th)

2023 Chinese Lunar New Year Festival!

Was held in the Bridgewater COMMONS Mall    

Our goal is to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year by bringing the festivities and happiness to everyone!  Within the celebration included the lion dancing, photo booths, lucky charm red envelopes, and many more rewarding free games for everyone of all ages!


2022 CCCE Music Festival!

Lantern Festival (2022) (

中秋園遊會 (2022)


                                     CCCE’s Lantern Festival Poster Contest Winners!

CCCE Lantern Making Class 燈籠教學第一堂課,感謝Kirby老師為大家上課。

Kickstart Meeting for Upcoming Lantern Festival!

Packaging and Delivery, and a few more finishing touches!

CCCE’s early progress and hard work!

                                                           CCCENJ Finished Lanterns

CCCENJ Performances and Presidential Awards

                           Thanks to our volunteers outstanding support, we were able to make this one year project come into effect!  

Dragon Festival Preparations!(2021)

Mid-Autumn Festival!(2021)

Sending Gifts to RWJ Barnabas

(February 2022)

Coffee Bag Packaging

(February 2022)

Mooncake-Making  中秋愛心月餅 

(August 2020)

精彩花絮 (Event Highlights) President’s Comments (會長的話):

Mid-Festival Mooncakes Made our Fundraising complete and well done. Thank-you to my team
and our supporters! You are the best! Love you all

文創在此要感謝支持訂購《中秋愛心月餅》的朋友們。在盛情難卻的情況下,我們這次又超賣了. 因沒有人力之下,最後只好決定不再接訂單。再次感

上次的《端午粽子情》與這次的月餅情讓我看到很多人還是很關心我們的醫護人員與警察的。能夠為社會付出一點心力都是好的。哪怕是一塊錢 ⋯⋯ 我


另一位花了很多心血是秘書林美華。號召她的好友來共襄盛舉,更帶百靈鳥青少年義工隊大力協助,及嚴格監控品管與包裝!謝謝會員 Yaling、Shirley, Robert、淑娟、淑卿、Cindy Lin、Carl, Sophia、Dabbi、Alice Kong 的鼎力相助!

Tamale-Making (粽子情)

(June 20, 2020)

精彩花絮 (Event Highlights)

President’s Comments (會長的話):

文創在 6/20/2020 下午二時邀請五位來自各地師傅現場包不同風味的粽子義賣,籌得善款 50% 將捐給醫院前線醫務人員

We invited five wonderful chefs to participate inour tamale-making LIVE, with different ingredients and flavors from different provinces. 50% of the proceeds will go to the medical front-line workers.





Fashion Show  服裝秀 

(January 2020)

Location (地點): Birchwood Manor

Whippany, NJ

We would like to take this opportunity to convey our heartfelt gratitude to the

following donors for their steadfast support for the CCCE. THANK YOU everyone for believing in our cause!




羅伯森華人醫療服務部 (Robert Wood Johnson Hospital)

美亞國際集團 (AIG-American International Group)

Flower Arrangement Service

盛愷中醫養生中心 (Prosperity Health Center)

Fundraising Events


Regional Cancer Care Association, Central Jersey Salutes

Chapei 有限責任公司

YY Beauty Spa

止善牙科 (Precision Dental P.C.)

美東超市 (Asian Food Market)

金門超市 (Kam Man Food Market)

何德發會計師事務所 (James & Carol Ho, CPAs)

林宫台菜館 (Lin’s Palace)

謝姐麵館 (Edison Noodle House)

聚金樓 (Golden Wok)

愛麗名品 (Eilee Skin Spa)

Tina Spa


陳翠玲醫師 (Tsuey Ling Chen)

王秀忍 (Thai Basil)

彭鈺絢 (Angela Peng: 紐澤西世界華人婦女工商企管協會會長)

蔡慶輝 (Kavin Tsai: 僑務顧問 & 美東旅館公會會長、紐澤西商會副會長)

王瑞玲 (Haddy Wang)

Kenny Lee (The Conservative Party of NJ)

Golf Tournament  高爾夫賽 

(August 2019)

Location (地點):

Royce Brook Golf Club

Hamilton, NJ

Singing & Dancing  歌舞會

(June 2019)

Location (地點):G & J Studios 

Hillsborough Township, NJ

精彩花絮 (Event Highlights)
