Our Mission 我們的宗旨

To promote and introduce Asian traditional culture and contemporary arts to both Asian and non-Asian Americans. The CCCE creative activities combine the traditional forms of culture with contemporary viewpoints about the diverse heritage and unique ethnic populations in Asia.  The viewers can be inspired by the cultural vibrancy of today’s Asia.  The creative activities promoted by the CCCE include, but are not limited to visual arts (e.g. photography, film, design) and performing arts (e.g. dance, theater arts, and traditional opera).
We are always fundraising year-round so we can host cultural presentations and performances to spread Eastern Asian art and traditions to the rest of the world!

文創交流促進會是一個非營利,非政治,非宗教的組織. 促進會的宗旨是, 將亞洲傳統文化與現代獨特文創達人和團體引進給美國亞裔和非亞裔族群. 讓美國的觀眾能驚艷到亞洲當今文化的新貌, 並因而有所感動與啟發. 著力推廣文創類別包括(但不限於): 視覺藝術(攝影,電影,設計,繪畫等), 和表演藝術(舞蹈,戲劇/曲等).

Your generous donation is always appreciated deeply from our hearts. It will provide the CCCE with both spiritual and financial support as we advance our mission. You can follow the link below to donate funds. All donations to the CCCE, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, are tax-deductible.

任何捐贈,不論金額,對我們都是莫大的精神和財力支持,我們都銘謝在心! 你只需點擊下方的連結,就會看到捐款的步騶 (文創交流促進會,是一個 501(c)3 的非營利機構,你的捐款,全額免稅)        

 PayPal: admin@cccenj.org.


PayPal: admin@cccenj.org