What is Polaris Youth Club?
The Polaris Youth Club serves as a branch of the CCCE directed primarily towards adolescent youths. The goal is to provide these students with valuable volunteering opportunities to assist the CCCE and nurture their own skill in cooperation and creativity. As a further incentive to promote participation, the CCCE is an eligible Certifying Organization of the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA). Hours earned will contribute towards earning a PVSA.
US Chapter

This year was a successful year for Center for Cultural Cultural & Creative Exchange (CCCE)’s Polaris of Taiwan Chapter. Like the U.S. Chapter, Polaris of Taiwan Chapter aims to promote Asian heritage and culture in a modern context to a broader audience in the United States of America. This year, six members received the President Volunteer Service Award: Katherine Ma, Alexandra Chen, Abby Chang, Evelyn Lee, Steffie Lee, and April Chang. The team organized many prominent events this year, including a clothes drive, volunteering at an animal rescue, and volunteering at a nursing home. For the most recent event, members donated shoes to Sub-Saharan and East Africa. Besides the activities mentioned, the team also participated in many other activities as well. The Taiwan Chapter is looking forward to continuing last year’s success and welcoming new members and organizing a wider range of events this year.